Catalogues and registration

Services & Institute

In the following sections you can get an overview of our services and about our Instute. Here you can obtain more information about our interlaboratory comparisons and reference materials. We also introduce our institute to you.

If you would like to find out more about our range of products and services, you will find the entire range of proficiency tests and reference materials in our catalogues.


Our Interlaboratory comparisons / Proficiency tests
An interlaboratory test to evaluate the performance of participants is defined as a proficiency test. The objective of the proficiency tests is to give participants the opportunity to prove and improve their testing competences. Our proficiency...
Our Reference Materials
Whether for training purposes, for checking devices or for the internal method check: You can rely on our reference materials. With the help of reference materials, you can independently put the quality of your tests...
Our Institute
Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid Your accredited provider of international proficiency tests in the plastics sector The Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid is a DIN ISO/IEC 17043 accredited provider of proficiency tests – founded in 1988, certified according to DIN EN...
Our Accreditations / Certifications
Prooven competence of our services     Quality awareness and standard-conform work is a is a cornerstone of the Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid. With our accreditations and certifications, we underline our own quality standards and demonstrate our...
Our clients
Of course, every interlaboratory test is anonymous – nobody but you will know your performance. Nevertheless, it may not be bad to know that you are in the best of company: Our clientele includes global...
Your Contact Persons
Together we are strong. We work hand in hand to offer our proficiency tests in an efficient and cost-effective manner. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our offer or if you need further...
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions What is an interlaboratory test, what is a proficiency test? An interlaboratory test is generally understood to mean that a specific measurement or testing task is performed independently by a group...